Interior Health/UBC Southern Medical Program Regional Simulation Program

Our Team

Dr. Jared Baylis

Simulation Medical Director

As the Simulation Medical Director, Dr. Baylis is responsible for providing leadership with the simulation curriculum with a focus to develop standardization and quality improvements opportunities to improve the quality of healthcare provision and improve patient outcomes. Dr. Baylis is an Emergency Physician at Kelowna General Hospital (KGH) and participated in the first simulation fellowship at KGH in 2017-18. He is also the Co-Editor-in-Chief of EM Sim Cases (

Taryn McGregor

Simulation Director

Taryn is the Simulation Director with a background in Human Resources, Clinical Operations and working with the Pharmacy Board of Canada. Taryn is responsible for supporting the program across the IH Clinical Operations portfolios along with the close collaboration between IH and the UBC FoM to create an environment where the IH Regional Simulation Program can provide the best possible simulation education activities.

Chelsea Holmes

Simulation Program Manager

Chelsea is a registered nurse with a background in emergency nursing and was formerly the simulation knowledge coordinator at the Raw Fawcett Simulation Centre in Kamloops. She is currently completing her Masters in Healthcare Simulation and Patient Safety. Chelsea is passionate about supporting simulation in all aspects our healthcare and growing the capacity of simulation within Interior Health.

Meghan Tome

Simulation Knowledge Coordinator

Meghan Tome is a Registered Nurse, with a background in Critical Care – ICU. She is the Simulation Knowledge Coordinator (SKC) at the Rae Fawcett Simulation Centre at Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops, B.C. Meghan completed her MSN in 2021 in Health Education and Leadership at the University of British Columbia – Okanagan. Meghan has experience with Simulation through teaching at TRU BSN program. 

JoAnne Slinn

Simulation Knowledge Coordinator

JoAnne is a Registered Nurse, with a background in emergency nursing and the Simulation Knowledge Coordinator (SKC) or educator at the Pritchard Simulation Centre, located at KGH/UBC Clinical Academic Campus.  JoAnne recently completed her Masters of Nursing and has CNA certification in emergency nursing.  JoAnne started her role as the RKC in 2015.

Renee Faubert

Simulation Knowledge Coordinator

Renee is a Registered Respiratory Therapist with a background in pediatrics, neonatal, adults, transport, critical care, emergency, and home care and a Simulation Knowledge Coordinator (SKC) located at KGH/UBC Clinical Academic Campus. Renee is passionate about pediatric and neonatal care and hopes to improve the comfort level of all staff through simulation when looking after this unique population.

Helen Clugston

Simulation Knowledge Coordinator

Helen Clugston is a Registered Nurse with a background in emergency, pediatrics and rural nursing.  She is the Simulation Knowledge Coordinator (SKC) or educator at the KB Simulation Program at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital in Trail, B.C.  Helen has been facilitating with the IH Rural Mobile Simulation Program since 2013 and started her role as the RKC in 2016.  Helen is passionate about supporting others to be the best that they can be through creative, supportive and realistic learning opportunities using simulation technologies.

Chelsea Dinel

Simulation Knowledge Coordinator

Chelsea is a Registered Respiratory Therapist with a background in neonatal, pediatric, adult and transport care. She is the Simulation Knowledge Coordinator (SKC) for the Penticton Regional Hospital Simulation Centre and can be found on the 3rd floor of the DK Tower. Chelsea comes to us with a Bachelor of Kinesiology and a background in simulation from Alberta Childrens Hospital and SAIT.

Chris Olivier

Simulation Technologist

Chris Olivier is the Simulation Operational Specialist for the Pritchard Simulation Centre, Rae Fawcett Simulation Centre, the KB Simulation Program and the UBC Okanagan School of Nursing.  Chris has shown keen interest in simulation as has been integral in designing simulation centre’s across our region, building simulated ultrasound machines while creating new and innovated modalities to meet the needs of our simulation community.

General Enquires

For more information about our team, services, equipment or space please send us an e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you!
