Information about our network

The BC Simulation Network (BCSN) is a community of practice that provides British Columbia’s health care simulation centres, programs and enthusiasts with a forum in which to discuss and advance ideas at the intersection of health professions education, simulation practice, technologies, ongoing competency and delivery of health services.  It provides an opportunity to share resources and align operations in an effort to improve access and use of simulation provincially. The BCSN collaborates to host the BCSimulation website and the BC Simulation Tracking Tool. In addition, the BCSN serves as a collective voice for advocacy and the advancement of research and best practices in healthcare simulation. This network grew out of the Simulation Technology Working Group (STWG).

BC Map-122x190

BCSN Position Statement on the Use of Animal Tissue


The BC Simulation Network [BCSN] acknowledge both the distinct value of, and challenges with the use of animal parts, tissues, and cadavers [hereafter referred to as animal tissue] for the technical education, training, and continuing competence of health care clinicians. “Studies support both the continued use of animal tissue for anatomic and surgical training and the search for alternative methods that are safe and effective in human and veterinary medical education.

In alignment with commitments made by other Canadian institutions, the BCSN is proactively committed to the reduction and replacement of animal use, to the refinement of procedures wherever possible2. and to an ethical, and responsible approach that adheres to standards of excellence.

Whenever possible, in alignment with learning outcomes, we encourage the use of task trainers as a replacement to the use of animal tissue. In situations where task trainers are either not available or do not support learning outcomes, an approach should be taken that reduces the use of animal tissue. This may include strategies that combine the use of task trainers and animal tissue and/or the incorporation of virtual task trainers or augmented reality resources which have both been shown in the literature to be of value.

For the complete position statement, please click the download button below:

BCSN Position statement on the use of animal tissue Version 1.0 March 2024


Simulation-Enhanced Interprofessional Education

Based on the INACSL Standards of Best Practice: Simulation-Enhanced Interprofessional Education, it is recommended that Sim-IPE is based on a conceptual framework.
The BCSimulation Network endorses the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative, National Interprofessional Competency Framework as our working framework for interprofessional collaboration, which informs our interprofessional simulation initiatives.

To view this framework please see the attached document and to learn more, consider accessing UBC’s online learning modules IPC on the Run



Simulation and Electronic Health Records

The BC Simulation Network [BCSN] community of practice recognizes the imperative need to capitalize on the integration of simulation and the growing role of the electronic health records [EHRs] across the health and care continuum, including patient interactions with their own records.

Simulation in health care education has consistently shown positive effects on knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors – and ultimately patient outcomes. Emerging literature suggests that simulation can consolidate learning, support systems integration, and contribute to realizing the promised benefits of EHRs. These benefits enhance patient safety and quality of care, leading to improved health and care experiences.

The BCSN supports the intersection of health professions education, simulation practice, technology application, ongoing competency development, and the delivery of health services. We invite stakeholders in both the pre and post licensure settings to participate in objective focused implementation of strategies that enable simulation interactivity with EHR’s. These strategies will be most effective when informed by standards, current literature and consensus statements, lessons learned from past EHR implementations and ongoing stakeholder engagement. Best practices and levels of realism in simulation, health informatics and human factors should form the foundation of this work.

This engagement will position the simulation community to support future clinicians with a strong health informatics foundation and will benefit current clinicians, teams and organizations during the planning, implementation and optimization phases.

Membership is voluntary and open to any simulation centre, program or individual, and is supported by its members in a cooperative fashion.  Membership is invited to voluntarily be listed on the BCSimulation website. Businesses that sell products/services to this community cannot be members.

The BCSN currently includes technology and/or clinical representatives from the following organizations:

  • University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine
  • University of British Columbia School of Nursing
  • University of Northern British Columbia
  • The Centre of Excellence for Simulation Education and Innovation (CESEI)
  • BC Children’s Hospital and BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre
  • University of Victoria (University Systems)
  • Nanaimo Regional General Hospital Human Factors Lab and Simulation Program
  • Vancouver Costal Health Authority
  • Fraser Health Authority
  • Interior Health Authority
  • Nothern Health Authority
  • Vancouver Island Health Authority
  • Provincial Health Services Authority  
  • BCIT
  • Vancouver Community College
  • Camosun College
  • Douglas College
  • BC Lab Educator
  • Stenberg College
  • Langara College
  • Thompson Rivers University
  • Vancouver Island University  

The BCSN is a community of practice and has no power in and of itself. The power lies within the group’s ability to potentiate each other’s work/programs in the field of healthcare simulation. Within the BCSN, sub-groups may be created as ongoing and/or ad-hoc in order to advance our shared work.

  • The BCSN elects a Chair to facilitate monthly meetings. The term of the chair is one-year, and may be repeated. In addition to presiding over each meeting, the Chair facilitates members to present their own ideas at each session. They also lead the coordination of sub-groups.
  • The BCSN appoints a Secretary or Secretaries to assist in drafting and distributing meeting agendas and minutes. The appointments are reviewed annually.
  • Members are responsible for reviewing (monthly) and maintaining their program webpages within the BCSimulation website.
  • Contact information for the Chair and Secretaries are posted on the BCSimulation website.

The BCSN posts its agendas, minutes and other documents on a google drive which members have access to.

The BCSN owns no physical resources. The funds to support the cost of web hosting are currently being generously supported by the Centre for Interprofessional Clinical Simulation Learning (CICSL).

  • Meet monthly on the 4th Friday of each month
  • Terms of reference are iterative and subject to yearly review on an as needed basis; are available for viewing on the BCSimulation website
  • Network goals are reviewed yearly
  • Agenda and minutes sent to Network members
  • Agenda generated and circulated at least one week prior to the meeting by chair
  • Recorder, creates and saves minutes