UBC Okanagan School of Nursing Simulated Learning Lab

  • UBCO Simulation Room

We provide simulated learning for undergraduate nursing students using low to high fidelity mannequins, patient volunteers, and newly added Simulated Patient actors program for our community and mental health simulations.

The students primarily learn on task trainers, with added informal (in the lab setting) and formal structured simulations at strategic intervals in the program. We also have an off-site component of our program that runs out of the Pritchard center at the Kelowna General Hospital.

We have a 3 way partnership with Interior Health and UBC Southern Medical Program for joint use of space, Chris Olivier’s Sim Tech assistance, and mannequins. Currently we use this space for our pediatric and maternity simulations. We are currently rolling out a revised Intentional Learning curriculum which has driven an increase in use of simulation exponentially! 


